Without weaving they would no longer have an identity.

Weaving is one of the oldest traditions in the world. In fact, since 2500 BCE it has been an important part of Inca culture. It sits at the very core of the Inca culture, shaping personal and regional identities, and acting as a form of inter-regional communication. Some people vest their entire sense of personal identity in their occupation as a weaver, stating that without weaving they would no longer have an identity. Inca bags are made following this tradition.


Variations in style of dress, use of color and woven designs can distinguish people from different communities or regions at a glance. The weaving tradition also embodies a wealth of traditional knowledge, from techniques of spinning and weaving, to which plants are useful for dyeing – when they grow, and how to prepare them – as well as the range of symbols particular to a community and what they mean to that community.”


Textiles also play an important part in communication, as they are a language of their own. Traditionally, Quechua was an oral language, so textiles were a means of conveying thoughts and impressions about one’s surroundings, and also of recording historical events. Check out these amazinf items and contribute to a tradtion that has been practiced for more than 2000 years. 

